Saturday, May 1, 2010

May-Super Spider Monkey

No wonder spider monkeys are so popular, they are cute, fluffy, and seemingly cuddly. Though, sadly that is why they are endangered. They are illegal trading company's that will do anything for money.Their habitat is also disappearing at a fast rate. They have been depending on the tallest trees to live, and those are steadily being cut down.Now you might be wondering why they have the odd name of "Spider Monkey". Well, it really isn't that complicated, when they hang suspended by their tails, they look like a spider. Personally I do not think it even resembles that, but you can take a look for yourself.

Spider Monkeys are most commonly found in the Rain Forests in Mexico, South America, along the coasts and the banks of the Amazon, Bolivia, Brazil and The Andes. They prefer to live up in the canopy, which brings up to their diet.
Not surprisingly, Spider monkeys are herbivores. They eat mostly fruit and seed, with a side of young leaves and the occasional honey. Spider Monkeys tend to eat while hanging upside down from their tail. Spider Monkeys never take food to another location to be eaten. The lead female is often seen determining the food route for the group of monkeys, but if food is scarce, they will split up into groups. The largest groups of Monkeys, up to 100, are found in large trees full of fruit.
Males mark their territories and anyone who happens to take a mere step in will be welcomed by screaming, yelling ,and the throwing of branches and... poop.
Spider Monkeys have a 20% chance of becoming extinct in the next 20 years . Luckily there are now places in the rain forests that are protected and fit, so the Spider Monkeys that choose to live there can live the longest life possible.